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Intermediate Trends in Math and Science Partnership-Related Changes in Student Achievement with Management Information System Data


This substudy in the evaluation design of the Math and Science Partnership (MSP) Program Evaluation examines student proficiency in mathematics and science for the MSPs' schools in terms of changes across three years (2003/04, 2004/05, and 2005/06) and relationships with MSP-related variables using Management Information System data with the Annual K-12 District Survey. First, changes in percentages of students at or above proficient on state assessments in math and science were investigated by gender, ethnicity, special education, and students with limited English proficiency across the targeted three-year period (2003/04 - 2005/06). The classification of MSP schools with and without focus on math or science during this time period was also taken into account. The results indicated that the MSP-related schools demonstrate sustained increase in percent of students at or above proficient in both math and science at the elementary and middle school levels, but not quite so at the high school level. Second, schools were examined by frequency and effect size of increase, decrease, or no change in student math and science proficiency. The schools with positive changes were in much higher numbers and higher mean effect size of change compared to schools with negative (or no) changes in student math and science proficiency. Third, the relationship between the schools' targeted teacher participation in MSP-related activities over the entire period of three years and the student math and science proficiency at the "end" year of this period (2005-06) was also investigated. This relationship was positive, yet small, at all school levels for mathematics, and also positive, yet much better pronounced, at the high school level for science. Fourth, longitudinal growth trajectories in math and science proficiency across the three years were also investigated. The results showed that the schools with MSP focus on math (or science) increase at higher rate in math (or science) proficiency compared to those without MSP focus on math (or science) at the middle school level.